3D Presentation with Webcam

Sample End Result

This tutorial shows how to create a 3D presentation with webcam.
Following this tutorial, you will get a window as shown below, that you can share in Hangouts/Zoom/Microsoft Teams/Google Meet or other similar calls.
The advantage of this setup is that, your video can still stay on the screen while the content is also presented.


  1. Open the T1 Editor and Powerpoint,
  2. Open PowerPoint & FullScreen
  3. Bring PPT Inside 3D Workspace
  4. Mobile Connect
  5. FullScreen in Tool
  6. Stopping the T1 Editor

1. Open the T1 Editor and Import Set

2. Open PowePoint

3. Bring PPT inside 3D Workspace

Bring Powerpoint into workspace

  • In the workspace
    • Right click on the white plane,
    • Ensure the Green Box appear around the selected plane,
  • In the Video Player, click 'Import'.

  • In the menu that pops up, select 'Window Source',

  • This will open a popup with a list of currently open windows in your system,
  • Choose your Powerpoint window, This will import the powerpoint into the editor.

  • To view the powerpoint,
    • click 'PowerPoint_Presentation' in the Videos list,
    • click 'Play' button,
    • You can see the Powerpoint window displayed over the white plane.

  • To Remove the background

  • Add filter 'Green Filter RGB-2,
    • select color is similar to your Presentation's(PPT) background color.

  • Import and Export preset

  • To Export Preset,
    • Click the 'Export Preset' button after saved,
    • Choose the location to save the filter,
    • Give the name for the filter in '.json' format,
    • Then, Click 'Save'.
  • To Import Preset,
    • Click the 'Import Preset' button,
    • Choose the file in '.json' format on the new popup window,
    • Click the 'Load' button to import the video filter,
    • The filter is applied once the file is loaded.

  • Prepare Camera

    • To select camera movement,
      • choose Drop down arrow, in Camera Move Widget,
      • Select 'Main Camera', to get list of movements,

    • Prepare Camera - Optional - Add/Delete camera positions

    • To navigate the camera for additional positions,
      • Ctrl+W (Front),
      • Ctrl+S (Back),
      • Ctrl+A (Left),
      • Ctrl+D (Right),
      • Ctrl+Right Arrow(Rotate Right),
      • Ctrl+Left Arrow (Rotate Left)
    • To Add the new position,
      • Give a name for the position, withouts,
      • click 'Add Current Point',
      • You can see that the new position is now added to the list,
    • To delete the position, Click 'Delete' button,
    • To save new position, Click 'Save To workspace.

    4. Mobile Connect

    Control From Mobile


    • How to Sign-in ?
    • The Sign-in for Mobile
    • go on Browser control

    Browser Controls

    • Put yours Mobile and "Click" the Browser Controls (option)

    Tool Connect to mobile

    • "click" the Connect to Mobile (option) in yours PC (or) laptop.

    Control & Refresh

    • then see the browser Controls "Click" the + symbol.
    • + symbol for refresh & connect the mobile
    • when you control the camera angles

    • when yours presentation completed. "click" Disconnect to moblie (option)

    5.FullScreen in Tool

    6. Stopping the T1 Editor

    Zoomed Image